To facilitate natural childbirth
To facilitate natural childbirth
Facing pregnant women in the last days of pregnancy, some difficulties in the development of pregnancy and birth, because of its weight in her stomach, and you want to get rid of it as soon as possible, and the best way, without Okhotsk her child, always trying to look at how to sponsor her pregnancy and the birth of her child healthy and fast ways , and having a natural laxative and facilitator them, this is the goal and purpose of every mother wants to birth in the last carry.
New female ladies at the birthing process become a great concern in recent times, where he faced a lot of questions that revolve in the mind that is in the process of birth, there are some unanswered questions, including: -
How Take the natural process of birth ?
We say every woman is different from other child-bearing, as each woman gave birth by different from the woman who gives birth for the first time, also all born different from the birth of the other baby, even if it was a single mother, so say you Madam, all the difficult start, we must get rid first of concerns you have anxiety and fear of the nightmare of the birthing process, because the psychological work is an important factor in overcoming the birth with all the speed and generosity of the process, so it must be Lake Takeover reassured and sit quietly and think about all the goodwill.
We say every woman is different from other child-bearing, as each woman gave birth by different from the woman who gives birth for the first time, also all born different from the birth of the other baby, even if it was a single mother, so say you Madam, all the difficult start, we must get rid first of concerns you have anxiety and fear of the nightmare of the birthing process, because the psychological work is an important factor in overcoming the birth with all the speed and generosity of the process, so it must be Lake Takeover reassured and sit quietly and think about all the goodwill.
First the birthing process takes no more than fifteen hours beginning from the first shot, while the second birth in much easier than virgin birth, in the not take more than one hour and extending to six hours.
Why Labor may be slow ?
As we discussed earlier every woman on the other differ in the birth process, as all births from each other is different, it is quite natural to be the birth of Our Lady of Basra, while facing other difficulties in childbirth, largely due to: the status of your child - not to force contractions and cramps - form or the size of your pelvis are not idealists.
Are I can speed up labor myself ?
Yes ma'am Tientsin accelerate labor have ways and tips frequently used and published often see them on the hospital wall hanging, how to help yourself in a natural birth, including:
-Your lie down on the bed and wait labor: but locomotive, the group has been helping to move the fetus and help increase Diastole and the contraction of the muscles of the uterus that helps to open the cervix and large.
-Khalid To the bathroom because the full bladder can slow labor by standing obstacle to the child's head downward.
-kvetch Bath hot bath or use birth were exempt you from taking drugs is accelerated for labor.
-lambast Sport and relaxation breathing air and the imprisonment of the Ins and Outs.
-bald Your position. In the later process of labor may not Haven't walk, but Stank midwife to find a comfortable position help in childbirth.