The causes and treatment of loss of libido in women
If sex is the essence of all marital relations, the sexual motivation or libido is the basic element of all relationships Ganesha.hank prevalence of declining sexual desire in women after a certain age. This may lead to more serious disturbances in libido. This problem is rarely seen in men who, on the other hand, are more concerned about erectile dysfunction. Despite the lack of a steady decline in cases of theories as to why or low libido in females, there are quite a number of conditions that may lead to this Halal.Pablo and treatment of loss of libido in women
Hormones fluctuate during the periods that include postpartum, the period leading up to menopause, and menopause, most women begin Ashurbanipal sex drive, insomnia, digestive disorders, mood changes, hot flashes, fatigue, and weight gain. These symptoms make women feel bad and this is what leads to low sex desire. Therefore, in most women, the feeling of psychological and physical improvement is the most important step to improve the libido.
The reasons for the lack of sexual desire in women:
The origin of the problem may be either organic or psychological reasons:
• anemia: The most common type of anemia is iron deficiency that occurs during during menstruation periods.
• Alcoholism: eating excess alcohol can cause a decrease in sex drive, so it's important to limit alcohol intake to no more than 3 to 4 units a day if you're a man and no more than 2 to 3 units a day if you're a woman.
• Take drugs.
• Some medications: Medications that cause low libido in men include anti hypertensive medications, medications treat high protactinium ratio, and drugs anti-androgen such as pyrimidine, Mideastern, protection, and low sex drive in both men and women may be caused by a type of antidepressant SIRS .
• frigidity postpartum: This describes the loss of libido that occurs after childbirth due to hormonal changes that occur in that period, and can be caused by physical or psychological harm that may occur from the birth of the child.
• Hormonal changes: such as high protactinium, a hormone produced disorder (LH), and the lack of male hormone and thyroid.
• physical changes in the vagina, which affects libido:
With menopause approaches, estrogen levels begin to decline, leading to dryness, atrophy (decrease in muscle mass) in the vagina and vulva that would lead to irritation, itching, and severe pain during sex, leading to decreased libido.
Psychological causes of loss of libido in women:
• Depression: is a disease include feeling very sad and miserable, which may continue for a long time and this could be feeling severe enough to affect daily life, including sexual life, in this case it may be useful to take antidepressants that are prescribed by your doctor. On the other hand, there is a type of antidepressants called SIRS may cause low sex drive, and is best taken a different type of antidepressants.
• Stress and fatigue: If you feel tiredness, you need some changes in lifestyle action because stress can have a big impact on your happiness by causing disruption of the adrenal gland, which leads to a lack of production of estrogen and testosterone important in stimulating the desire and sexual response.
•marriage problems:
Marital problems of Australoid considered common loss of libido, so if you're not happy in your relationship, or if you have any doubts or concerns, this may be the main reason for this loss of libido. On the other hand, the problem may be represented by a sexual performance, which makes it difficult to have sex. For example, impotence, premature ejaculation in men, and pain during sexual intercourse, or vaginas (involuntary spasms of the muscles around the vagina before entering the penis) in women.
• rape or sexual assault in the past.
• difficult living conditions.
Ways to treat low libido:
• address the causes leading to the occurrence of vaginal dryness:
• The use of vaginal suppositories containing vitamin E twice a week can be beneficial if the new happening or moderate in intensity of symptoms, and is working through the tissue hydration, and increase sensation.
• Add soy food containing hydrogenates helps increase secretions in the vagina.
• restore an adequate level of estrogen:
§ when ovarian production of estrogen is reduced, the body begins to produce sufficient amount of estrogen from the accumulated fat under the skin and adrenal glands, as long as the raw materials are available, and thus, the dietary supplement and support the endocrine are to help relieve vaginal dryness.
§ In some women are estrogen ratio is less than others, it is possible to benefit from the topical use of estrogen, which can be placed directly into the vagina, which works by soothing the vaginal tissues and by allowing the necessary secretions to practice comfortable sex, and is available in suppositories vaginal or more a topical cream or vaginal ring
• Testosterone:
An important hormone testosterone in a sexual our motivation because it stimulates the desire, arousal, sexual response and orgasm. After menopause, estrogen level drops rapidly among women, while testosterone level drops more slowly. Some women do not have the natural hormone testosterone levels, on the other hand, the testosterone level drops under pressure due to a shift of progesterone, the main part of the hormone testosterone, the stress hormone, which would lead to decreased libido.
In the period after menopause when testosterone production from the ovaries decreases, the adrenal glands begin producing testosterone that was strong adrenal gland stocks. On the other hand, the adrenal gland reserves fall if a woman is exposed to severe pressure over the years. Therefore, good nutrition and relaxed lifestyle can keep the best function of the adrenal gland that would keep production of the hormone testosterone is good for the duration of menopause.
All of the above, can be proposed as a treatment for testosterone weak libido. That has been the experience of women for more than 40 years, but rarely lead to improvement and be in addition to the piece to accompany Athabaskan include hair loss, the depth of sound and enlarged clitoris. However, there are some medical the evidence that supports the use of testosterone as a treatment for low libido.
Intrinsic (intrinsic) is a leather patch containing testosterone, and became available in 2007 in the United Kingdom and licensed for use in women who have undergone menopause due to surgical removal of the ovaries, and who may Haddock for the treatment of estrogen.
Many pharmaceutical companies manufactured Almighty cream of testosterone, which can be used in the vagina and the clitoris to increase a sense of euphoria.
• Aha aft vibrators:
This device is used to increase sexual desire by applying suction to the clitoris, however, it has been the use of non-Belshazzar suction technique with good results in the past decade.
• cream desire:
Use this cream foundation leads to tingling in the area of the clitoris, and is made of certain plants produce in the winter was presented in the first part of this century.
• erectile dysfunction drugs (such as Viagra):
These medications can be helpful and works by increasing blood flow to the vagina and the clitoris, increased vaginal secretions. But it did not prove the effectiveness of these drugs in helping women with low sexual desire, and still is not licensed for use in women.
• Estrada:
Give rise for oil massage the genitals, and it contains the seeds of forage, evening primrose oil, angelica root, and vitamins C and E. It provides a significant increase in the excitement, stimulation of the genitals and the ability to orgasm. And it found to be effective in women who suffer or not to suffer from problems in the libido.
• Margin:
It found that these supplements lead to increased sexual desire and satisfaction. This was published in 2001 in the Journal of Sex and family therapy.
Note: You must have you consult your doctor before using any of the previous ways to find out the side effects or interaction that may occur.